13 Simple Tips To Increase Your Success Rate on Anything You Do.

13 Simple Tips To Increase Your Success Rate on Anything You Do.

  1. Always Look At The Big Picture

1. Always Look At The Big Picture

When you look at the big picture,

  • You get more clarity
  • Good understanding on the problem
  • Clearly defined objective
  • Helps you think from all critical dimensions
  • Provides multiple approaches to solve the problem

If you define the problem correctly, you almost have the solution - Steve Jobs. The more time you spend on understanding the problem, you get ideas and pointers leading towards solving the problem.

2. Spend More Time on Understanding The Problem

If you define the problem correctly, you almost have the solution – Steve Jobs.

The more time you spend on understanding the problem, you get ideas and pointers leading towards solving the problem.



Failing to plan is planning to fail - Benjamin Franklin. When you have a written simple plan with a detailed list of tasks, you would be able to take a structured approach on reaching your objective. Creating milestones would keep you on the right track to the reach your objective on time.3. Always Have a Simple Plan with Task List and Milestones

Failing to plan is planning to fail Benjamin Franklin.

When you have a written simple plan with a detailed list of tasks, you would be able to take a structured approach on reaching your objective.

Creating milestones would keep you on the right track to the reach your objective on time.



Ask Questions

4. Ask Questions


When you ask questions you will discover more things that will help you reach your objective faster.

Asking questions would help you narrow down the problem and provide more insights for a best solution



Involve the Right People5. Involve the Right People

When you involve the right people, you will get more support and knowledge required to reach your objective faster.

Also you will learn new things working with people with diverse skill sets, experience and domain knowledge.




6. Keep Things Simple

When you keep things simple, it is easy for you and other stakeholders to understand, take decisions, provide approvals, provide feedback etc. faster.

Keep Things Simple


7. Use Simple Visuals Wherever Possible

A picture is worth a thousand words.

 Using simple flow charts, diagrams, graphs etc. wherever appropriate would help you deliver your message faster and more clearer to the stakeholders.

This would help you move faster towards your objective.




8. Create Simple Checklists

When you are executing something, Simple Checklists will give a clear picture of ,

  • What needs to be done ?
  • What has been completed ?
  • What are the pending items ?

This will make your life easy by helping you not miss any critical step to be successful.






Document, Communicate your Assumptions and Get them Validated.9. Document, Communicate your Assumptions and Get them Validated.

Assumptions are more critical items that defines the path towards your objective.

Document, Communicate and Get the Validated from appropriate stakeholders.

This will help you avoid rework, gain more subject matter expertise and have solid backing for every step of the journey towards your objective.



10. Think About the Future (needs)

If you keep future requirements in mind, you will findIf you keep future requirements in mind, you will find more optimal, stronger and flexible solution. Flexible solutions will help you avoid additional effort, cost or major changes to your solution in future.

more optimal, stronger and flexible solution.

Flexible solutions will help you avoid additional effort, cost or major changes to your solution in future.


11. Think of the Dependencies Upfront

Think of the Dependencies Upfront


When you know the dependencies , the journey towards your goal will be carefully crafted and with more chances for Success.




12 .Provide Regular Updates and Get Feedback from StakeholdersRegular updates to your team and stakeholders would help fix issues earlier, refine your solution and avoid re work. This also gets you more respect, reputation and credibility.

Regular updates to your team and stakeholders would help fix issues earlier, refine your solution and avoid re work. This also gets you more respect, reputation and credibility.



13. Do Not Go with the Flow. Think out of the Box

13. Do Not Go with the Flow. Think out of the BoxThinking out side the Box will most of the time result in making you more successful.

Thinking out side the Box will make your solutions innovative, optimized and helps you save time, money and other resources.